Sustaining the Pharmacy Access That Patients Expect


Americans Want Continued Access to Care

say it’s important for their state to update its policies to ensure that patients permanently have the same access to pharmacy vaccination, testing, and treatment services that were available during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Americans Want Continued Access to Care


say it’s important for their state to update its policies to ensure that patients permanently have the same access to pharmacy vaccination, testing, and treatment services that were available during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Morning Consult conducted this nationwide poll online from October 25-30, 2023 among a sample of 10,031 adults. State-level results are estimated by a multi-level regression and post-stratification (MRP) model weighted by age, race/ethnicity, gender, and educational attainment within each state. Results from the full survey have a margin of error of plus or minus 1 percentage points.

3-Part Post-Pandemic Access Plan

NACDS is advocating proactively to apply lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic and to sustain access to pharmacy services that patients expect and rely upon.

  • NACDS urged an extension of the pharmacy access made possible through the “PREP Act.” The Biden Administration has taken action to accomplish most of this.

  • NACDS is urging states to use the time of the PREP Act extension to codify PREP Act pharmacy access for their residents.

  • NACDS is urging the U.S. Congress to pass and enact Medicare legislation, H.R. 1770/S. 2477, that will help seniors access pharmacy services authorized by states.

Drilling Down: The Remaining Two Steps

Federal Medicare Legislation (H.R. 1770/S. 2477)

The Equitable Community Access to Pharmacist Services Act will help sustain access to testing, treatment, and vaccination services for seniors.

State Actions

Former CDC official and NACDS: States should continue “PREP Act” pharmacy access proven effective during COVID-19.

COVID-19 Videos & Public Service Announcements 2020-2021

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, NACDS developed videos and public service announcements to showcase the dedicated work of NACDS Member Companies and their teams, resilience of the their suppliers, and the role of pharmacy teams in administering COVID-19 vaccines to protect patients nationwide.

Posted On: March 2021 – Also Available in Spanish

Posted on: January 2021 – Also Available in Spanish

Posted on: April 2020

Pandemic Lessons Learned

See NACDS reports issued throughout the pandemic, which helped to inform the pandemic response and which will help to shape future preparedness.

Pharmacy’s COVID-19 Testing & Vaccination Insights Featured in NACDS Report

Pharmacy’s Impact on Value-Based Care Can Advance The Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation

Report Shows How to Leverage Pharmacies Against Health Inequities

Pre-Pandemic Work

Well before the COVID-19 pandemic, NACDS was working to improve patients’ healthcare outcomes by enhancing pharmacy access. See the work that helped to pave the way for pandemic solutions – and beyond.

NACDS Literature Program

Chronic disease prevention and treatment, policy recommendations

Inmar DIR White Paper